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素敵なBIRTHDAYケーキをありがとうございました。サプライズでとても感動しました。天文台で星が見れたのは超感動。100年に1度のホームズ彗星が見れてとてもラッキーだったなと思いました。食事がとてもおいしくて、紅茶好きです。もっと星が見たかったです!!天文台で説明してくれたダンディズムなおじさまがvery good!!!聞きやすくて良い!!!パンもフワフワしてて美味。楽しい一泊二...

Dear photo


· The moon Suma & Jupiter was greatly appreciated! The correspondence of the older sister at the front desk was nice, it was good! In addition, this time I want to come to a different season ♪ · Preparing for dinner and drinks etc. It was very delightful, I was delighted with delicate care. I would like to talk a lot to my friends and back home. · I was also happy that the moon, Jupiter, and various stars were beautifully seen. The bath was also beautiful and I could relax. ...
